Do you live in the Philadelphia region? Have your concerns about flooding and water damage been getting worse? If you are looking to protect your home from basement floods, certain steps need to be taken. The first step is determining if it is even necessary for you to waterproof your basement. If the foundation of your house is already waterproofed, then no further action needs to be taken! If not, there are important things that can be done before disaster strikes. This post will highlight some tips for preventing water intrusion into basements of Philadelphia area homes. We will also share best practices for preparing ahead of time!
1. Perform a detailed inspection in your basement
You might have forgotten about the mess in your basement, but it's important to go down there and see what needs cleaning up. Check for mold that could be dangerous if not addressed as soon as possible. Take out any trash like old paint cans and broken furniture. Organize things so they are easy to access when needed later on. You never know how much time will pass before you need something stored away downstairs. These steps will not only make your basement more usable, but will also allow you to easily inspect for any changes to the area. After all, you wouldn't want a leak from pipes or anything else to ruin everything upstairs!
2. Get the soil bed inspected too
Another important step of basement waterproofing in Philadelphia is getting a soil bed inspection done. These inspections can reveal hidden surprises that may cause further problems down the road.To avoid unpleasant, or even dangerous, surprises regarding ground pests or unstable soils during construction and afterwards, homeowners must have their soil inspected to know what further steps they need to take.
3. Fix all the cracks and holes in the basement
Waterproofing might be the most vital part of an entire foundation repair process, but there's something else just as important: fixing all those pesky leaks around the house first! You don't want to spend time on this job only for some other issue or problem --like mold-- to come back again later.
4. Select the right basement waterproofing company
You can't go wrong with the right basement waterproofing company. You want to be sure that it's someone you trust and a professional who has your best interests at heart. You're looking for an experienced team of professionals when choosing one of these companies because they have years in the industry under their belt - so don't let anyone fool around or try anything sketchy on you! The only things worse than having leaky basements is not fixing them as soon as possible or having subpar work done.
5. Make sure your basement stays ventilated
A basement can be a great place to store stuff, but it's still important to have good air quality. Consider getting vents installed that will help circulate fresh oxygen through your basement and keep things from getting a musty or moldy smell.
The best way to protect your home from flooding is by using basement waterproofing in Philadelphia. There are many different ways to get professional help with this project, so don't hesitate to reach out if you need any more information about the process.